Triest Insurance Agency's Fan Box

Monday, July 21, 2008

Golden Rule HSA 100

The HSA 100 is Golden Rule's top HSA qualified plan. The 100 stand for the coinsurance percentage. This means that 100% of covered expenses are paid after the deductible is met. That's the best that you'll find on the coinsurance front. Its good to know that after you've forked over thousands of dollars for a high deductible that the medical bills will be paid. At least the covered ones will be! In a perfect world, health insurance would have no exclusions and it would provide full coverage but that's only a dream. Coinsurance and deductibles are a way of "cost sharing" and they're a central part of the insurance contract and insurance theory.

The HSA 100 has a single deductible for an individual and a combined family deductible for a family. It is not required that you open an HSA savings account with this plan but why not? Every dollar put in the savings is a tax savings. Without the savings, you're wasting the primary benefit of an HSA qualified plan.

How does this plan compare to other 100% coinsurance HSA plans? This is one type of health insurance that is easy to compare. The Assurant plan limits physical exams to $1000 where Golden Rule has no special limit. CoventryOne has a 100% plan but unlike others that I've reviewed, the deductible applies for 2 family members. Coventryone does provide first dollar coverage for physical exams including a pap smear and mammography. CoventryOne also provides for chiropractic as a limited covered expense where it is not covered under Golden Rule or Assurant.

You'll get a 12 month rate guarantee with Golden Rule's HSA 100 which is a standard industry practice.

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